Face to face with the best!
Meet with the big players in the market, learn about success stories throughout 60 lectures and build an increasingly stronger network of contacts.

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See how the event went, reactions and testimonials from exhibitors, participants and followers in the 2023 edition.
Meet with the big players in the market, learn about success stories throughout 60 lectures and build an increasingly stronger network of contacts.
Find what is most innovative and absorb the teachings of the largest technological solutions companies on the planet, which dictate new market paths.
Enjoy the entire event comfortably and enjoying the food park designed especially for you
Discover solutions with the potential to change the market and the stories of those who reap the fruits of innovation
Find the solutions and talents that can make your company gain years of competitive advantage.
Learn directly from the source, share innovations with your team and increase your value in the market.
With 24 years of experience, Carolina Rodrigues is a media and events journalist. Audiovisual executive and content manager. It has 9 journalism awards with special reports. 10 years ago he created and manages the content company Fênix Soluções em Comunicação, where he carries out personalized projects.
Winner of the Digital Influencers award by both the popular vote and the technical vote, she was a columnist for the newspaper Folha de São Paulo and, today, in addition to acting as a presenter for Saia Justa, she is a guest professor at the Postgraduate Course in Law and Criminal Procedure at Mackenzie Presbyterian University.
International speaker, Specialist and Researcher of New Technologies. Tony Ventura is a reference in new technologies and growth hacking. Created the Digital Transformation course at the Brazilian Ministry of Economy.
Economic Journalist for 23 years. He began his career in the 2000s at Valor Econômico. Later, he worked at Gazeta Mercantil and Folha de S. Paulo. In London he was an international correspondent for four years.
Apresentação de Carolina Rodrigues | Jornalista e Cerimonialista
Gabriela Prioli | Apresentadora do Programa Saia Justa
Marcelo Sinhorini | CEO do Grupo Portal ERP
Tony Ventura Especialista em Tecnologia | Tech Hunter
Luciano Itamar | Publisher e Co-Founder do Grupo Portal ERP
Claudio Nasajon | CEO da Nasajon Sistemas
Guto Fragoso | Cofundador e CFO da Kamino e Benjamin Gleason | Cofundador e CSO da Kamino
Altamiro Castelan | CEO da Riosoft
Otavio Silveira Farah | CEO and Founding Partner and FitBank
Pedro Henrique Lima Ribeiro | Consultor Técnico na ManageEngine
Théo Orosco | Co-fundador da Exact Sales
Cleber Ferreira | Head de Operações Education HUB Portal ERP
Alceu Keller | Diretor Comercial e Marketing NDD
Beatriz Montandon Bueno | Chief Commercial Officer (CCO) at FitBank
Lucas Aliano Alves | Consultor Comercial na GetCard
Carlos Alvarenga | Arquiteto de Sistemas na MXM Sistemas
Pablo Werneck | Diretor de Produtos na Skymail e Diego Fernandes | Sócio Diretor na Skysec
Ananias Favero | Diretor Comercial na Sysemp
Paulo Krieser | CEO na Econodata
Renata Melloni | Diretora de BPO e SAP na b2finance
Michel Leme | Arquiteto de soluções na Lago Consultoria
Cássio Menezes Sales Manager na H&CO e Richard Grein PMO Coordinator na H&CO
Roberto Arruda | Chief Revenue Officer (CRO) na Skyone
Marcus Taccola | CEO da InfoGo
Fernando Nakagawa | Comentarista econômico na CNN Brasil
Moderador: Luciano Itamar | Publisher e Co-Founder do Grupo Portal ERP
Moderador: Luciano Itamar | Publisher e Co-Founder do Grupo Portal ERP
Otavio Silveira Farah | CEO and Founding Partner and FitBank
Rafael Terra | Vice-Presidente de Tecnologia na MXM Sistemas
Cleber Ferreira | Head de Operações Education HUB Portal ERP
Genielson Gasparetto | Diretor Comercial na BI Explorer
Pedro Henrique Lima Ribeiro | Consultor Técnico na ManageEngine
Guto Fragoso | Cofundador e CFO da Kamino
Ronaldo Kunrath Barbieri CEO da Adentro
Edson Gonçalves | Co-Fundador da Paytrack
Guilherme Sciarri Barboza Head de Produtos no Grupo Soluti
Beatriz Montandon Bueno | Chief Commercial Officer (CCO) at FitBank e Daniela dos Santos Ribeiro | Diretora de Business Development at FitBank
Cássio Menezes Sales Manager na H&CO e Richard Grein PMO Coordinator na H&CO
Andre Melo Head of SAP Solutions na b2finance
Michel Leme | Arquiteto de soluções na Lago Consultoria
Marco Giroto | Founder & CEO SprintHub
The Portal ERP Group is today an authority in the area of business management software in Brazil and Latin America.
In the events area, Grupo Portal ERP is the organizer of the largest Software and Management event in the Americas, the ERP Summit, with editions in Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, Chile, Spain and Peru.
The Portal ERP Group's mission is to increase company productivity through the appropriate use of management systems.
We hope to see you here always
Marcelo Sinhorini and Luciano Itamar (founders of the Portal ERP Group)